Thursday, September 27, 2007

Freelancing Projects

Okay, I hope you've noticed the new RSS feed over to the left. That's a feed from Get A Freelancer. It's updated with the latest open projects that you can go and bid on, and hopefully win, to get you started in your freelance career. Registration with GAF is free, so you really have nothing to lose. Just pick a project and bid on it. There are literally Hundreds of projects open right now, so you're bound to find something that you are interested in. Check out the feed, or go on to the GAF site, and sign up. This could be the first step in securing your freelancing and work from home career :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Talk Home Business

Okay, okay, I know. I've already told you about Talk Home Business. But this post is different. This one is to tell you that your's truly just got promoted to Super Moderator!! Not to be confused with Super Mom, which all we moms are, right ladies? Anyway, I've been a member of THB since June, and I have to tell you that I just love it there. Now..there's a new forum that's specifically for legitimate online jobs and businesses. The THB Administration is checking out hundreds of possible leads for work from home positions, and ONLY those that are verified and check out as legitimate will be posted. That takes possibly months off your search for working from home. Go on over to THB and check out the new forum. Find your work from home spot today, why would you wait any longer. We all deserve to be happy in our jobs, and working from home is the first major step to that happiness.
By the way, while you're there, tell THB's new Super Mod Hi. That's ME :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007


HI:) I just wanted to share a neat little site that I am privvy to. It's called, and Stefan, the owner is a great person. The site is for building link popularity, so if any of you are webmasters, you should visit. You can set up a free account, and add one website to build a linking campaign for. After all, if you ARE a webmaster, then you know how important one-way links are for your SEO, right? uses a program that builds unique links for you every day, on auto-pilot. The links that you receive are one-way. Now, you do have to "trade" links, but no with the same sites that link to you. Apparently it's better that way, as the links are reciprocal. So, if you have a website, then you should definitely check out Stefan's site at Like I said, it's free for one website, so you really don't have anything to lose.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Talk Home Business

Talk Home Business is a great forum to hang out in. I know, I know, I've said that before. But really, the administrators and moderators, and even the members are all so very helpful with every aspect of working a home business or job. I highly recommend registering for the THB forum, you really can learn alot from them. And it's like a big family, everyone helping everyone, etc. THB currently has over 2900 members, and I heard that Administration is going to reward the 3000th member with a special prize. Mind you, they don't give out useless stuff over there. I won a monthly competition recently that was $25 cash. And they have competitions every month, and they are so much fun. All you have to do is sign up and you could be a winner this month. This month's competition, by the way, is a joke competition. See, the competitions are a hoot, and whoever happens to be #3000 to register is looking at a great prize. So....register for free, and if you happen to be number 3000, then please come back here and let me know that you won:)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Making Easy Cash

Ok, let's talk for just a minute about these "paid to" programs. Now, I must admit, when I first started working from home, I was really skeptical of these types of sites. Well, that's not entirely true. When I FIRST started working from home, I was really excited that these sites would pay me to do practically nothing. Well, let me tell you, I've learned my lesson from alot of sites like these. There are sites that will scam you, scam you, and then scam you one more time, just to make sure that they've scammed you...Get the picture?
Now, on to the sites that won't scam you. I have had success with several of these sites. I have been paid by them, and I wanted to share the really legitimate ones with you. I know how hard it is to really believe that you can make it working from home. I've been there, done that, drank the Sweet Tea....
The sites that I use are legit. I have honestly made money from them and been paid. I wouldn't lie about that. Of course, you may still not believe me, I don't blame you. You don't know me enough to trust me, but I just wanted to bring you some good sites where you can make some decent spending money. Keep in mind, that you're not going to get rich off these sites. I strictly use them for pocket change, for things like Christmas presents, shopping sprees, things like that. OK, that ALL being said, here's a list of really good, legitimate "paid to" places that are free to join, and all have offers that you can complete that do not require a credit card.
1. Deal Barbie Pays - I love this one. The offers are really easy, and you can make a really good amount of money in a very little time. I made $28 in less than a week, without using any credit cards.

2. Cashcrate - I like this one also. It's got good offers and pays out well.

3. Inbox Dollars - This was my very first one. I made $30 in my first month with them.

4. Get Paid Tonight - Now, I haven't cashed this one out yet, but I haven't had any problems with them since I joined, and they have really good offers, and some of them you can cash out instantly.

Ok, that's enough to keep you busy for a little while. I don't normally push these programs, but like I said, they are great if you want or need just a little extra spending money. And, actually, using "paid to" programs is what got me started online. I used the money that I made from them to fund some advertising and site hosting. So, they do work, just find the ones that you really like, and go for it:)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I've been so Busy Writing

Now, I know that I just posted the Blogrush post, but I wanted to tell you all why I haven't been posting alot lately. I have been so busy with writing jobs that I've gotten lately. Most of them have come from Digital Point Forums. I have gotten several there this week alone, and have made a pretty decent amount of income from them. You really should sign up for the DP Forum. It's completely free, and there are loads of people looking for writers. Just sign up, then go to Buy/Sell/or Trade, and then to services. The writing jobs will be listed under Content Creation. Also, I've gotten alot of jobs from Get A Freelancer. Some of these jobs are in the upwards of $200 category. I've done alot of work from the GAF site since I started my freelancing career. It's also a free signup, so go there now, and who knows, you may have a paying writing gig by the end of the day. And be sure to visit Talk Home Business. Those guys over there are great! They have helped me so much with my work at home business. You never know what you can accomplish unless you get started. So, these are my three favorite spots to hang out. If you started hanging out there today, you could be well on your way to working from home tomorrow :)


Ok, so I came across this great site for bloggers. It's called Blogrush and they help you get traffic to your blog. You'll notice the widget over here on the left side :) That's a Blogrush widget. They use a Syndicated Credit System. So, your blog gets shown on the widget once, every time someone sees the widget on your site. Simply put, that just means that if you show the widget on your site, then your blog will be shown on someone else's site. You could end up with lots of extra traffic to your blog. It sounds like a good system to me, so I put the widget on here. I'll let you know how well it works in a few days. In the meantime, feel free to visit the blogs listed in the widget, after all, if we help people with their blogs, then they'll help us with ours :) By the way, sign-up in Blogrush is completely free, so feel free to click on the link and sign up. It could be very beneficial to your traffic!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Freelance writing can be a very rewarding career, both emotionally and financially. If you enjoy writing, then freelancing could be a very lucrative choice for your at home job. Of course, if you enjoy writing, like I do, then writing doesn't even seem like a job. It seems more like you're making money for having fun. I got started with writing several months ago thru Associated Content. You can write articles for them, and they'll pay you and publish your articles. Now, don't expect to get rich with AC, but it's an excellent place to test the waters. Plus, you'll have a content producer page that you can use for reference to show off your work to potential clients. I also include my AC link when I need to show samples of my work. It's a good thing to have a few pieces published, it shows that you're serious about your writing, and that you're established. Go on over to Associated Content and set up a Free account. It doesn't cost anything, and who knows, you could even make a little money. It's a great place to get your writing career started. And be sure to let me know if you do, and I'll be sure to read your articles. They offer a performance bonus for your content views, so let me know that you're producing articles, and I'll read them :)
Have a great day, and good luck on your new Writing Career.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Okay, here's a tip. Get A Freelancer has hundreds upon thousands of freelancing opportunities. It's free to register. You can choose to be a Gold Member for $12 per month, although it's not required. It does probably look better to people looking for service providers, but I have gotten a few projects before I decided to upgrade, so you can register, and be a free member until you get some gigs going, and then decide to upgrade if you want. I have gotten a total of 3 long term writing opportunities using GAF, and I've also gotten several short term projects. If you're looking to start freelancing, GAF is the absolute first place that I'd recommend you start looking for projects. And since it's free to join, you really have nothing to lose, except for the 5 minutes that it takes you to sign up. Go on over to GAF and look at some of the projects that are posted, and see if maybe you're qualified or interested in doing any of them. You can get paid thru paypal, and if you win enough project bids, you can be freelancing full time in no time.