Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like......


I just wanted to take a moment and wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season and that your writing careers are really taking off.

Just a few reminders about places where you can get started writing:

Constant Content

Wicked Fire Forum

Digital Point Forum

Associated Content


That's all for now writers. Remember to write, write, write. If you don't have any paying projects to be working on, write for yourself. Get a free blog from blogger or wordpress and just start writing!

Have a very, very Merry Christmas All!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Finally a new post!!


It's been a long time writers. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I can't believe that I haven't updated the blog in months. Busy, busy, busy!!

I do have a few things to share with you about writing today. I have finally decided to choose a specialty, which is what you really have to do in order to make a name for yourself. I won't bother you with the specialty that I have chosen, but I will say this - If you have not chosen a specialty, then you should do so soon, and I'll tell you why:

Your specialty will be the one subject or a number of subjects in which you can deem yourself an expert. People will be willing to pay you much more than minimal rates if you specialize in a subject in which they need content. Of course, you can always write other articles and content if you want, but specializing helps to ensure that your income is above minimal.

Long story short - If you really want to make a name for yourself and improve your writing income significantly, then you need to choose your specialty. You can choose anything that you have experience or a major interest in, such as parenting, quilting or even writing. Just be sure that you choose a subject in which you have some experience and then get to work writing those expert articles.

Speaking of writing, I should get back to mine. Until next time - keep writing :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well, isn't this just great...

It has come to my attention that a review that I wrote for Bookmarking Demon has yet again been stolen.

This guy, Satdin, on DP forum AND on WickedFire forum asked a bunch of writers for samples in order to choose a writer for a rather large project.

He then took those samples and used them to promote Bookmarking Demon.

Now, I'm usually really easy to get along with but stealing something that I wrote, without paying for it, is just NOT gonna happen.

First, I had to have his page removed from Hubpages and NOW, I find out that he put the exact same content up on Blogger!!!!!

I have filed a complaint with Google for copyright infringement and have sent him several messages telling him to take down MY content. I also contacted the people at Bookmarking Demon to inform them what kind of affiliates they have promoting their products.

If you feel that someone has stolen your content, DO NOT sit idly by and let them get away with it!!

Contact whoever you need to in order to rectify the situation. There simply is no excuse for someone stealing content -- EVER!!

OK, rant over :) Carry on writers and have an excellent day!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Great Site - Constant Content

Ok, so I've given you lots of places where you can get your start in the freelance writing area.
This is just another great site where you can submit articles and earn money.

The difference in Constant Content and Associated Content is that at Constant Content, you write the articles and submit them, setting your own price. Buyers will browse through and if they like your articles, they pay what you are asking. You can set a general price and a price for Exclusive rights if you want.

There are alot of authors making recurring income from Constant Content. Their articles sell over and over again. This is a great resource if you want to keep making money a few months or even years down the line with articles that you have already written!

Try it out! It's free to join, as if I would actually post something that isn't free :) . Just get in there are start submitting those articles. There is also a forum if you want to interact with other authors and you can opt in to receive emails about specific articles that buyers want written.

Enjoy! And, as always, Get Writing!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Like my grandmother always said "Heaven's to Betsy it's been a long time".

Well, I'm back and ready to spread some more freelance writing love around. I hope all of you have been busy writing. I'm currently working on something that I hope to have available to all of you soon. Stick with me, I may be slow but I always deliver:)

Anyway, I'll be back later in the week with some completely new resources and some great tips on how to set your freelance writing rates, where to search for writing gigs and lots more.....

Until next time, Keep Writing!